Britney Spears Femme Fatale Tour

In 2011, Enlighted created the lighting for several custom pieces of clothing for Britney Spears and her 16 backup dancers on the Femme Fatale tour.
During the finale song, "Til the World Ends", she wore a lighted dress containing several hundred smart RGB LED pixels that flashed in patterns simulating fire and lightning.
wireless dmx control
These patterns were triggered by a wireless DMX signal coming from the master lighting console, allowing the effect to be revealed on many performers simultaneously.
design and construction notes
On Britney's dress, the lights were mounted on reinforced panels that wrapped from the front of the body to the back, going over the shoulders. The lights for the dancers were mounted on leather harnesses (non washable) worn over other pieces that could be washed daily. The control electronics and batteries were concealed in pockets behind the straps and beneath the shoulder pads, depending on the costume.
The video sample below shows two flashing modes that could be displayed on the dress: "lightning" and "fireball".
Video of the Toronto show, from the beginning of the finale (the backup dancers are lit up later in the song)
Video of full finale from the Los Angeles show, including Nicki Minaj