Electra in Gypsy, Signature Theatre

Enlighted was commissioned to install lighting in the costume for the character Electra for this revival production of the musical Gypsy. The show ran from December 2013 through January 2014, at the award-winning Signature Theatre, in Arlington, Virginia.
design and construction notes
To imitate the look of traditional incandescent light bulbs (but without the accompanying issues with safety, heat, or power consumption), the costume was built with warm-white LEDs embedded in translucent balls, with silver ribbon trim around the base of each ball. Most of the costume was constructed as a one-piece bathing suit with illusion mesh, with pockets for batteries and other electronics on the back.
The costume also included a headpiece and gloves with built-in control switches that could light up separate sections of the costume on cue. At some points in the performance, the lights have a steady glow, and in other parts they are flashing together or in sequence.
Electra wears the costume in this fun video with Mazzepa and Tessie Tura (but without the LED gimmick):