Mannequin Suit

We were commissioned to create a lighted bodysuit for a mannequin to be used as part of a trade show display booth. The client supplied the fabric, which was printed with a color gradient matching the walls of the booth. We used this to build the outer layer of a full bodysuit that would fit on the mannequin when positioned with one arm fully raised, interacting with other structures in the display.
RGB LED pixels were mounted on an inner layer of the suit, and aligned with circular sheer windows covering the body. These points represented junctions in a triangular meshwork motif, and some lines were added to the design with white airbrushing. The LEDs were programmed with a few animation options, with various speeds of twinkling and upward moving sweeps of light.
Wires ran down through the bottom of one leg to an LED controller and power supply to be hidden in a pedestal below the mannequin.
The clip below shows some of the animation patterns.